2024.07 Update


  • Improved selection of map layers. You can now change the base layer and enable multiple layers on top.
  • Added the ability to quickly and easily add a new farm in the farm selection box.
  • Made the function of transferring fields between farms, you can easily change the owners of fields.
  • Added an catch-crop tag to the fields list.
  • You can see the amount of active substance in the fertilizer and liming logs. If you exceed the limits in the fields, they will be highlighted!
  • Updated journal designs. Now you can see posts with discrepancies more clearly and easily.
  • Updated identification processes. It will now be clearer and easier to select the relevant farms and seasons when updating declarations.
  • Updated the design of authorization page.
  • Block number search is combined with field name search. Now it will be possible to find fields faster and easier.
  • When updating field boundaries according to declarations, we highlight fields that belong to other farms.
  • Entries for other farms can be added in the journals.
  • Updated information part of one field. If the names of jobs or products does not fit, you can hover on it and see the full name.
  • The work editing section has been upgraded. You will now see field outlines in the job sections.
  • Clicking on the Geoface logo will return you to the home page.
  • Updated field label. You will see the name of the seed.
  • Supplemented crop rotation report. It will include catch crops and varieties.


  • Fixed a problem where the processed field area changed when editing jobs.
  • Fixed warehouse calculations based on filters.
  • In the settings section, the calculation of the area of ​​the fields will change according to the enabled season.
  • Corrected calculations of the active substance of cubic fertilizers.
  • Corrected calculations of active substances for liquid fertilizers.

2024.01 Update


  • A new subscription plan “Up to 200 ha” has been created. Now it will be more convenient for smaller farms to purchase the Geoface system.
  • Work planning has been updated. Now we can choose which fields we will work on directly from the map.
  • Changed the search for adding products in the warehouse. Now it is possible to add a product without selecting its type, but simply entering the name.
  • When exiting unfinished tasks, the message “Are you sure you want to exit?” has been added.
  • Added minor improvements to the mechanical jobs feature.
  • Adjusted the design of the mobile version


  • Fixed a bug when selecting a field in the list did not display it on the crop rotation map.
  • We allow you to transfer your created seeds between warehouses.
  • Fixed group calculation math.
  • Fixed bugs in the warehouse.
  • Improved system stability.

2023.11 Update


  • Mechanical job function. Now you can plan and carry out all kinds of tillage and other types of work.
  • Added the ability to select fields directly from the map in the Crop rotation section.
  • Changed the structure of jobs in the mechanical jobs section. In the next updates, it will be changed in other sections as well.
  • The structure of the program has been updated, it is now even more secure.


  • Adjusted so that we can add 0€ price to our own products as well.
  • Added and corrected translations in the system.
  • Chart colors will no longer change in the Finance section.
  • Fixed rounding errors in warehouse purchase.
  • Improved system stability in the work calendar section.

2023.10 Update


  • Fertilizer and liming journals. You can now declare not only plant protection journals, but also fertilizer and liming journals through the Geoface system.
  • Updated fertilization and soil testing maps. The main maps of fertilization research suppliers are now available in Geoface. It is also possible to adjust the transparency of the maps to compare different maps.
  • The identification system has been expanded. It is now possible to identify through all major systems of identification.
  • Added an catch-crop filter in the fields section.
  • Improved journal identification system.
  • Adjusted color design in finance sections.
  • Added season selection in magazines.
  • Added the possibility to add products without price.


  • Fixed issue where fertilizer journals were stuck in the “Waiting” stage
  • After adjusting the date in the journals, it did not change in the jobs section.
  • Fertilization map data is now prepared correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where sometimes it would not allow you to add your own products.
  • The group area is no longer duplicated in the system.
  • Fixed user level issues.

2023.08 Update


  • Rendering of machinery. You can sync and see John Deere equipment in Geoface.
  • Editing of variable rate maps. You can now import, generate and edit variable rate fertilization maps.
  • Product purchasing. You can now add multiple products in one purchase.
  • Plant protection journal update. Now you can select the period and fields you want to declare.
  • Updated mobile version of Geoface.
  • Updated job colors in the finance section.


  • Fixed a problem where the area of grouped fields was duplicated.
  • Fixed map focus in the job calendar.
  • Fixed the filter in the finance section

2023.07 Update


  • Updated declaration limits, by adding a field you can see the latest declared limits.
  • Updated mobile version designs. Some features have been adapted for the mobile version.
  • The field search tool is combined with a comment function. You will now be able to add notes, comments and pictures in the fields easily.
  • Updated pesticide registration data
  • Updated map legend. You will now see the crop area and percentage.


  • The unknown crop filter is working again
  • The filter has been fixed in the crop rotation
  • The recommended works section has been removed
  • Fixed the .PDF plant protection journal version if there were grouped fields
  • Fixed problem of vegetation photos not updating
  • Updated redirect feature. Field information will now open specific jobs for the assigned field.

2023.06 Update


  • Updated single field information and design. You will now see more relevant information. The mobile version is also updated.
  • Renewed summary table design on last page when sending logs
  • Added additional informational messages when working with journals
  • Now it will be possible to transfer your created product between farms
  • Updated the distance measurement tool on the fields map
  • Sorting in AAP journals was changed
  • Redesigned icons in job editing sections


  • Invoices and delivery documents can be added when adjusting purchase records
  • Fixed measurement units conversion
  • Adjusted alphabetical order of fields
  • The design of the mobile version is being adjusted
  • It is now possible to adjust the seed you create (if the measurement units are sowing units)
  • Fixed issues with user levels
  • Revised and updated arithmetics

2023.05 Update


  • A feature has been developed to allow the use of all registered PPE products regardless of culture.
  • Updated and expanded warehouse report. More slices will now be available for tracking warehouse movements.
  • The function of combining fields has been merged with the function of grouping fields.
  • Updated the seed creation part in the warehouse.
  • Updated weather forecast resource.
  • Unified field deletion windows


  • Journal design has been renewed
  • The crop legend on the map can be scrolled now
  • After adjusting the area in the task, the .PDF version will show the correct area.
  • Fixed when changing the actual quantity and treated area, the latter was not updated.
  • Downloading a job task will not combine different tasks anymore
  • You had to reload the page once you added a farm to a subscription, now it will be updated automatically
  • Fixed some translations
  • Fixed some misplaced design elements

2023.04 Update


  • Updated terms of use and privacy policy.
  • Updated list of products and crops.
  • Added field grouping function. Now you can easily group multiple fields and work on them as a single field. If no tasks are assigned, the group can be ungrouped.
  • Adjusted the structure of job steps. Now fields can also be selected in step 1, and fields will be expanded automatically in step 3.


  • Fixed magazine shipping design flaws in the mobile version
  • Fixed minor design flaws
  • Fixed certain formatting processes that caused data to be distorted
  • Fixed a problem where financial data was incorrectly updated when changing seasons

2023.03 Update


  • Warehouse export function added. You will now be able to export all warehouse records in .xls format.
  • Adjusted calendar function. You will now be able to see the name of the job and the quantity and rate of product used.
  • The section on crop rotation filters has been improved and expanded. You will now be able to filter the desired fields more easily, by size, name, block number, and ownership.
  • A map has been added to display the information in the crop rotation section.
  • Filters in the work sections have been extended.
  • Added correction function for warehouse records. You can easily edit dates, prices, quantities, and other relevant information in purchase records.
  • Design adjustments in the mobile version of Geoface.
  • Adjusted layout of work task information.


  • Certain financial calculations have been sorted out.
  • The design of work task actions has been standardised.